If you haven’t attended an event or been active in the group for over three months, it’s likely that you may be removed from the group. Our goal is to create an active and engaged community of members who genuinely want to participate, and removing inactive profiles helps us maintain this focus. We try to avoid “ghost profiles” where members have joined or RSVP’d to events but never actually participate.
That being said, if you’ve been removed due to inactivity, you are usually welcome to rejoin the group when you’re ready to participate more actively. We understand that life gets busy, and sometimes people need a break, so rejoining is always an option once you’re ready to get involved again.
If your removal was due to other reasons, we recommend reaching out to the hosts for clarification. We’re always happy to explain decisions and provide guidance on how to stay involved in a positive way moving forward.
Our focus is on maintaining a lively, inclusive group, so we value participation from all members and encourage everyone to be an active part of our community.